The moon makes many appearances in my work. It is interesting to me how the sun is more present in my earlier pieces and now has bowed, allowing the moon to rise with her romance and mystery.
The emotions the moon can capture, as well as the silence she possesses and the secrets she keeps, make for great poetry.
We are very much like the moon, showing the parts or phases of ourselves we are comfortable sharing, depending on the circumstance, mood, and with whom we are interacting. Unlike the moon, rarely do we reveal ourselves in full. There are many factors to this: humans are ever-evolving and have complexity, fear of either judgement or destroying a relationship, shyness, a desire to fit in, or have made a conscious decision to keep certain aspects of life private. To that end, if you have a strong connection with someone who you do not need to walk around on eggshells and continuously loves you while knowing the most intimate parts of you, consider yourself fortunate. It can be quite lonely being in a large sky filled with stars but not a single star to lean on. I write from this loneliness, and the moon is a muse. It is not because I am lonely now. I may or may not be. It is rather because I know what loneliness feels like. I know what connection feels like, as well as falling in love-- that honeymoon phase that we need to nurture so that the butterflies in our stomach never cease. It takes work. It takes heart, and that makes us feel alive.